Alpha Girls in the Valley

Many of us have seen the movie “ Hidden Figures”  about the female African American mathematicians who played a key role in NASA’s early Mercury flights in the 1960s.   A new book looks at the women who are playing a similar...

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The Happiness Machine

"I have learned that the best way to lift one's self up is to help someone else." Booker T. Washington American Educator 1856-1915 FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, ENLIGHTENMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT The Happiness MachineFire the best, keep the rest?Days of...

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Eternal Blue and You

FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, ENLIGHTENMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT Good Bosses and Bad Company“Which Way to Pointe du Hoc?”Required Reading: Eternal Blue and YouShameless Self-Promotion Department Econ Recon: The Next Great Depression Part 2 Good Bosses and Bad Companies Many new grads have...

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