Second Place Boomers

Sometime this year, Millennials (Gen Y) became the largest adult cohort in the US with another, Gen Z, hot on their tails. They will drive more and more of the economy both in terms of managing businesses and through personal financial lives that may be different from ours.

If you’re a Boomer planning to around for a while, this article from Bloomberg profiles the expected financial behavior of those who will driving the bus from now on.

Invisible Men and Women

Unemployment is at record post World War II lows. While we are all fighting the war talent, there are still good people who want jobs and cannot find them, according to Wharton Professor Peter Capelli. Why should that be? He thinks that if companies recruited and hired as well as they conduct their core business, they’d have far fewer talent issues.

Do you really know if your hiring processes would stand up against your competitors?

This Knowledge at Wharton article and interview recaps Dr. Capelli’s recent HBR Article “Your Approach to Hiring is All Wrong.” Read this and share it with your HR/Recruiting staff on why you should start using a funnel instead of “wasting time and money chasing…thousands.”

If you do, a lot of “invisible” men and women, may suddenly materialize for you.