Honk Kong Harbinger – Why It’s More Important Than you Think

Hong Kong Harbinger:    Recent weeks have seen lots of political unrest that effectively  shut down the Hong Kong airport.  As important as these political protests are, there is a an economic aspect to Hong Kong’s airport  that has not made the headlines and it started before the recent unrest.   Hong Kong is the largest freight hub in the world and decline in its traffic is an important economic indicator.  Connor Lokar  of ITR Economics explains why Hong Kong is a more  important economic harbinger than you may think.

Economic Self-Talk:  Mark Twain once said that “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”   The same applies to the economy and some are asking if the recent forecasts of downturn mean a recession is coming, or are we simply talking ourselves into one?This brief article from Fortune polls several economic luminaries for the answer.