Everything Ends

No strategy is permanent.  No business model is immune to the winds of change.  One of the most disruptive entrants in the history of the entertainment industry is the gaming business. For years, the key elements of its business model were the number of consoles and the number of games available.  New games were introduced in much the same way that a new movie was promoted with extravagant premiers and reliance on “opening weekend” sales metrics. 
All that is changing.   You’ve heard of SaaS  (software as a service);  the gaming industry has moved to GaaS  (Gaming as a service) relying less on hype and promotion of consoles and games and more on a model designed to create recurring revenue and “lock-in.”   Are there lessons here to rethink your business or some part of it ?  Understanding “Why Video Games are shooting down the Hollywood model ”  may provide some insights.