Eternal Blue and You


Good Bosses and Bad Company
“Which Way to Pointe du Hoc?”
Required Reading: Eternal Blue and You
Shameless Self-Promotion Department
Econ Recon: The Next Great Depression Part 2

Good Bosses and Bad Companies

Many new grads have been (or still are) looking for a great company to start their career. As important as that may be, maybe those beginning their work lives should be looking for a great boss instead, regardless of how well known or successful the company is. This short article will explain why.

“Which Way to Pointe du Hoc?”

The coincidence of 2019 commencement ceremonies and the 75th anniversary of D-Day caused WSJ columnist and Reagan White House speech writer Peggy Noonan to reflect on the challenges that confront each generation. Her thoughts on the Normandy Invasion, and in particular of the men who under fire climbed a near vertical cliff called Point du Hoc to neutralize German gun emplacements, are particularly relevant as a new generation begins its journey. Share her recent column “Which Way to Point Du Hoc?” with the young people in your life.

Eternal Blue and You

You may have heard that Baltimore is still coping with the effect of a ransomware attack a few weeks ago due to a hacking tool called Eternal Blue. The city is refusing to pay the ransom demanded by the hackers and the resulting loss of city services is impacting the entire community.

A short article in the Baltimore Sun explains what happened and why it might have been easily avoided. A blog posting by ethical hacker and Vistage Speaker on IT Security Mike Foster explains the simple steps you can take now and in the future to buy down that risk. You can’t make yourself impervious to hackers, but as Foster has taught thousands of Vistage COOs, you can make it difficult enough that they’ll look for an easier target.

Pass this one on to your IT Department and hold them accountable for follow up……before you get a ransom note.

Shameless Self Promotion Department

Inc Magazine Columnist J.T. O’Donnell gives insightful advice about careers and the workplace. Check out her column about being the only one woman in a peer group of male CEOs and how the experience helped her company.
( Then call me if you want to explore it further. )

Econ Recon: The Next Great Depression Part 2

Last week I shared with you a blog posting from ITR Economics CEO Brian Beaulieu “The Coming Great Depression-Part 1.” He follows up this week with some additional thoughts on what the period between now and the predicted arrival of the coming downturn 10 years from now will look like. Check out his thoughts in part two of his thoughts on this topic.