Helen Keller – Myth of Security

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring...

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Raising Capital – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

John Morris of CMX Development interviewed Steve Mortensen of Smart Business Capital regarding the challenges associated with raising early stage capital. Smart Business Capital has helped hundreds of clients raise more than a hundred million dollars in early...

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The Happiness Machine

"I have learned that the best way to lift one's self up is to help someone else." Booker T. Washington American Educator 1856-1915 FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, ENLIGHTENMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT The Happiness MachineFire the best, keep the rest?Days of...

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Eternal Blue and You

FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, ENLIGHTENMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT Good Bosses and Bad Company“Which Way to Pointe du Hoc?”Required Reading: Eternal Blue and YouShameless Self-Promotion Department Econ Recon: The Next Great Depression Part 2 Good Bosses and Bad Companies Many new grads have...

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CEO Confidence Edges Up

May 2nd QUARTER - 2019 Economic confidence inches upward in May 2019 WSJ/Vistage Small Business CEO survey Economic confidence among CEOs of small businesses has recovered from recent declines, according to a survey by Vistage and The Wall Street Journal conducted...

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June 6th 1944

MEMORIAL DAY FOR ME IS JUNE 6TH That is the day and days that my father, Stewart Mann Morris, a navy corpsman, along with many thousands of other ordinary men gave extraordinary sacrifice for the liberty and freedom of people...

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